
Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The Greenfield Street Club
would like to wish you a

Happy New Year 2009!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

January Meeting

The next Greenfield Street meeting is Jan. 7th at 7PM. Please email me if you have any questions:

We will be finalizing the Greenfield St. Chili-Winterfest.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah

The Greenfield Street Club would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Street is getting plowed!!

Greenfield Street finally got it first crack at a snow plow today at around 4:45 PM. Thank you City of Buffalo Public Works Department.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Burbank Terrace forced entry

There was an attempt of a forced entry on Burbank terrace around 3:30 pm yesterday - a light skinned black man pulled up in a 95 white cutlas - lesabre - walked over to check out a next door neighbor's truck then came up to her front door and rang the bell - when she opened it her son stepped up also and the man claimed he was doing work on Agassiz - first he said on the metal trim then got angry and said - no, on the bushes and pushed the neighbor's son's arm. The neighbor thinks it's the same man that forced an entry on our street and that neighbor had him arrested - but evidently got out. They will report this to the poloce - the license plate was - they think DRM-5805.

Friday, December 12, 2008

PCA Crime Alert!


A Crescent Avenue neighbor, between Robie and Florence, reports that on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning his car was broken into. His car was parked on the street, doors locked. Nothing was taken.

Please do not leave valuables in your car.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Amherst Street guardrail update

Here is an update from the City of Buffalo on the guardrail that crosses the belt line on Amherst Street, one block from Greenfield Street.


The bridge on Amherst that crosses the belt line has a damaged guardrail. please replace

Date Raised11/24/2008 10:30
Raised against 0 AMHERST ST, Buffalo, NY, 14207
Service Request Progress
The list below shows the current list of tasks for this service request:
Task Name Due Date Status
Resolve Bridge Issue12/08/2008 10:30Complete
Inspect Bridge Issue11/26/2008 10:30Complete
Resolve Case 12/10/2008 Case Resolved
-Description: Meeting contractor to repair too large for in house forces

City of Buffalo - Division of Citizen Services.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Greenfield and Russell Street Signs!

The new street signs must have been installed sometime on Monday, December 1, 2008. Thank you to the City of Buffalo for being so prompt! The original 311 Call and Resolution request was originally submitted on 11/24/2008 and can be seen here.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

The Greenfield Street Club would like to wish
all the neighbors, residents of Buffalo and readers

a safe, happy and warm Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Greenfield Street Google Group

Now there is a new Google Group for the Greenfield Street Club. Anyone that joins can post ideas and issues just as long as you sign up for a google account. Thanks to Michelle for the idea!

Amherst Street Bridge Update

I received this update from the City regarding the Amherst Street Bridge guardrail that needs to be replaced. I'm not sure when this will be finished, since there is no resolution date listed as there was on the street sign update. See the red backslashes that I highlighted below. Thank you to our neighbor Jenna for pushing for this!!


The bridge on Amherst that crosses the belt line has a damaged guardrail. please replace

Date Raised11/24/2008 10:30
Raised against 0 AMHERST ST, Buffalo, NY, 14207
Service Request Progress
The list below shows the current list of tasks for this service request:
Task Name Due Date Status
Resolve Bridge Issue12/08/2008 10:30Incomplete
Inspect Bridge Issue11/26/2008 10:30Incomplete

Your service request is expected to be resolved by //. You will receive an email confirmation when this problem has been resolved.

If you have not received notification by this date, please contact the 311 Call and Resolution Center by dialing 311 or 716-851-4890.

City of Buffalo - Division of Citizen Services.

Monday, November 24, 2008

City of Buffalo contacts

I just found a link on the City of Buffalo website that contains contact information for all of the city officials.


Surveillance Camera Update

The City of Buffalo had installed a surveillance camera at the corner of Amherst St and Fairfield St. in the summer. When the Main Street construction was going on, the camera was taken down for a number of months. Last week the camera was just reinstalled. I have a map of where the camera is above. I will post a picture of this camera soon. For more information about the Surveillance Camera program click here.

City of Buffalo Vacant Housing Listing

One of the daily blogs I read is Fix Buffalo, a blog written by David Torke. David is a pioneer in the Midtown section of the City. Midtown is a section of the City that is north of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, bordered by E. Ferry, Jefferson Ave, E. North and Main St. Recently he added a link to the City of Buffalo vacant properties that the Buffalo News publishes. Although, there are no "official" vacant houses on Greenfield St from this website, there are two properties that are possibly vacant, 60 and 88. Please be aware of these properties and report any problems to the 311 Call and Resolution hotline or their website. If you see any criminal activity, please call the Buffalo Police. The link is on the main page.

Street Sign Update

The following is an update from the 311 - Call and Complaint Line regarding the missing street signs at Greenfield Street and Russell Ave. It appears that the City will resolve this issue by 2/23/2009 install a new street sign by 3/30/2009?


The street sign are missing on the light pole please replace

Date Raised11/24/2008 10:03
Raised againstIntersection of Russell St and Greenfield St, Buffalo, NY
Service Request Detail
Sign TypeSignType.Other
Service Request Progress
The list below shows the current list of tasks for this service request:
Task Name Due Date Status
Inspect Sign and Prepare Work Order01/05/2009 10:03Incomplete
Repair Sign03/30/2009 10:03Incomplete

Your service request is expected to be resolved by 02/23/2009. You will receive an email confirmation when this problem has been resolved.

If you have not received notification by this date, please contact the 311 Call and Resolution Center by dialing 311 or 716-851-4890.

City of Buffalo - Division of Citizen Services.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Contact Greenfield Street Club

Contact Information:

If you have any updates or events that you would like me to post on the blog, please email me at:

Thanks, Josh Hall

Greenfield Street Club T-Shirt Idea

Greenfield Street Club would like to know how many people would be interested in:
Greenfield Street Club T-Shirts.

We also need a t-shirt design.

We are also trying to decide between long or short sleeved t-shirts.

If you are interested in helping out with the t-shirt design or would like to sign up for a the t-shirt list, please email me at

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

PCA Holiday Art & Craft Sale

The Parkside Community Association is holding its first annual Holiday Art & Craft Sale on Saturday, 11/29, at the Church of the Good Shepherd from 10:00-4:00. Some of the artists participating include Molly Flynn (Jewelry and Journals), Paul Morgan/Avalon Scarves, Tea Amo, Nicole Ambarchian (Gem & I), Ann Bliss (Bliss Designs), Ann Peterson (Mundoimages), Vanessa Currie (Soy Candles), Kate Cody(kissmitts), Michele Bieter (Clayguys), Green Appler Pottery, Tina Lafalce (holiday floral designs) and Wild Mountain Organics.

I have attached a flyer advertising this event. Please post and spread the word about this fun holiday shopping event!


Kathy Peterson

Sunday, November 16, 2008

NFTA Alerts

For your convenience, there is now a link for NFTA updates on the right sidebar.

Seasonal Parking Restrictions

A message to our residents about the Seasonal Parking Restrictions. The streets that this mainly refers to are Amherst Street and Parkside Avenue.

Parking restrictions began on Saturday, November 15 and end on Wednesday, April 1. The time restrictions are from 130 AM - 7 AM.

Some of the article is as follows. The link to the full story is below.

Friday, Mayor Byron W. Brown announced the implementation of a seasonal parking restriction for specified streets in the City of Buffalo. The parking restriction will began Saturday, November 15, and will continue nightly through April 1.

The parking restriction will be in effect from 1:30AM to 7AM, nightly until Wednesday, April 1. Signage is posted in all restricted parking zones, and violators will be ticketed if parked illegally.

Source from: Buffalo Rising -

Friday, November 14, 2008

Central Park Grill

For your listening pleasure:
Jazz at the
Central Park Grill

2519 Main Street, Buffalo

PCA Alert

As promised, the Parkside Community Association crime alerts will be posted on this blog. I understand that this is a home issue, but also take into consideration any valuables left in your car or plain sight in your home.

At 3:10 this morning a Summit Avenue neighbor, between Russell and Jewett pkwy, reports that his alarm tripped indicating the rear deck window.
here's the picture
Young, black male, around 5' 8", 150lbs, wearing light pants, a hoodie
and a light cap.

November 12th Meeting

Old Business:
  1. Talked about street safety and the traffic committee meeting
  2. Greenfield Street Chili Winter fest will be held on January 31st 2009 from 2PM – 6PM
  3. Phone tree.

New Business:
  1. Plan for Greenfield St. during Main St. construction.
  2. Post-alternate street parking on blog and next meeting flyer.
  3. Several properties
  4. Idea for Greenfield Street t-shirts (short or long).
  5. Ideas for being “green” either environmentally or landscaping wise. Will think about ideas here!
  6. List of dead or dieing trees on street to the City – no results from City.
  7. Jazz at the Central Park Grill Mondays from 8PM-1030PM.


Alternate Street Parking

This is just a friendly reminder about the alternate street parking to all those who park on Greenfield Street, since getting a ticket can be a pain and very time consuming!
Mon., Tues., and Wed. on the west (right) side of street
Thurs. and Fri. on the east (left) side of the street

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

To all the veteran's of the United States - Happy Veteran's Day.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Parkside Crime Alerts

In an effort to curb all types of crime in the Parkside neighborhood, I will post the Parkside Community Association's (PCA) crime alert emails on this blog. All neighbors should be aware of the activities that are happening and thus should make proper arrangements to thwart such criminal activities (even if this individual looks like Bill Gates).

Updates to follow.

Buffalo Potholes? Really?

A reminder not only to the neighbors on Greenfield St.,
but to everyone in Parkside and in the City:


If you notice a pothole in the City of Buffalo please call: 851-4890.

For more information:

Thank you letter

Since you would need a Google account to view the linked document, I thought it would best to post the letter here:

Dear Mayor Brown,

Recently I contacted the City of Buffalo complaint line, 311 Call and Resolution Center, and submitted some issues around Greenfield Street in the Parkside Neighborhood. Some of the issues I submitted were replacing damaged street signs, adding missing street signs and repairing damaged bridge guardrails. Some of these issues have been completed and I’d like to say, thank you.

One of the items that were recently replaced was the street sign at the corner of Amherst St. and Greenfield St. These street signs were peeling and were replaced with the new blue signs. This not only gives the street better visibility in the Parkside neighborhood but also shows the City cares about updating old signage. On behalf of the Greenfield Street Club, I’d like to express my thanks for installing the new street signs.

There are also some issues that still need to be resolved. One of which are missing street signs at the corner of Greenfield St. and Russell Ave. A few years ago a car hit the street light post where the street signs were posted. The light post was properly installed but without the street signs. The next issue is the damaged guardrails on the Amherst St. bridge the crosses over the belt line. As of present there are jersey barriers covering the damaged section.

Also, some of our neighbors have contacted the 311 Call and Resolution Center regarding graffiti on the Amherst St. Bridge that crosses over the belt line. The city was very prompt at responding to this issue and is in the process of getting finished. Also, I’d like to express my thanks for responding promptly to this issue.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joshua D. Hall

Thank you letter to City

A letter of thanks to Mayor Byron Brown and to the Public Works Department will be mailed soon. If you click on the link, you will see the letter.

Also, I will be attending the Parkside Traffic Committee meeting on Tuesday to discuss the street safety issues from the last meeting's minutes. I will update the Greenfield St. Club at the meeting on Wednesday.

Issues on the Street -
a) Speed on the street seems to be an issue.
  1. Possibly adding a speed limit sign on the street and a children at play sign
  2. No left turn onto Greenfield from 7AM - 9AM?
b) Missing street sign at Russell @ Greenfield.

c) Bridge guardrail on Amherst St. next to Jenna and Neil's home needs to be repaired. I will contact the complaint line regarding this issue. This is the message I would like to send to the City (Please read it over and if there is anything else that needs to be said, please let me know in a day or two):
The guardrail on the bridge that goes over the belt line on Amherst St. at the end of Starin needs to be repaired. A number of months ago a car crashed into the guardrail and since then there has been a jersey barrier blocking the guardrail that was destroyed. Is there anyway a city official could take a look at this to get the guardrail repaired? -Greenfield St. Club

Friday, November 7, 2008


The Next Greenfield St. Club Meeting:
November 12th
91 Greenfield St.
Questions: Please email me @

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Graffiti Cleanup

Just an update from our neighbors. One of our neighbors called the Mayor's complaint line concerning graffiti on the Amherst St. bridge and under the Amherst street bridge. The city responded and painted over the graffiti. Although she called twice to have something done, they did respond and generally fixed the problem. They painted over about 95% of the graffiti and looks like they ran out of paint and called it a day, but small victories!

Thanks to our concerned neighbors and The City of Buffalo for taking action.

See: A well known tagger Gets 90 Days For Spray-Paint Graffiti.

New Calendar Added

You will notice a new calendar has been added to the top of the blog space. I will add meeting dates and times to this as well as other events in the Parkside neighborhood. If you would like an event added, you should be able to click on the date and select add event. If you are having a problem please email me at

Photo of new street signs at Greenfield and Amhersts Sts.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Street Sign at Greenfield and Amherst Sts.

The City of Buffalo posted new blue street signs at the corner of Greenfield St. and Amherst St. The work crew must have installed them sometime on 10/31/08. Thank you Buffalo Highway Department. A letter of thanks to the City will be sent soon as well as a picture of the new street signs will be posted here. The old (vintage) green street sign is the header graphic above.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

The Greenfield St. Club would like to wish everyone a safe and fun Halloween.

2nd Meeting Flyers

I started getting the 2nd meeting fliers out the evening of 10/30. I was able to get down the east side of the street and part way down the west side. The rest of the street should be done either this evening (Halloween Friday) or Saturday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Idea's for next meeting...

If anyone has any ideas for the next meeting, you can post a comment.

Some of the ideas that will be presented again are:
1) Phone tree
2) Winterfest
3) An update if any from my email to the City about the Amherst St. bridge

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The next Greenfield St. Club Meeting is scheduled for:
Wednesday, November 12 @ 7 PM

10/20/2008 Greenfield St. Meeting

The following is a brief outline of what was discussed at the meeting.

Thank you to everyone who came and brought ideas to the meeting for the "revived" Greenfield St. Club!

1) Kathy Peterson from the Parkside Community Assn. (PCA) was at the meeting.
2) PCA crime alert -
3) Winter Festival / Chili -
4) Phone Tree -
5) Issues on the Street -

a) Speed on the street seems to be an issue. Possibly adding a speed limit sign on the street and no left turn onto Greenfield from 7AM - 9AM?
b) Missing street sign at Russell @ Greenfield.
c) Bridge guardrail on Amherst St. needs to be repaired.

d) The City of Buffalo complaint line is 851-4890. 311 Complaint Website: --

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Greenfield St. Meeting!

Monday, October 20, 2008
7:00 PM

Please come to this meeting and bring ideas for Greenfield St. and for the neighborhood.

Such ideas would include:

Cleaning up lots

Beautifying the neighborhood

Getting together with other groups and

Meeting with government officials

Holding “candidate nights”

Working with law enforcement and the
fire department

Your ideas also!

If you have any questions please email me at