
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Idea's for next meeting...

If anyone has any ideas for the next meeting, you can post a comment.

Some of the ideas that will be presented again are:
1) Phone tree
2) Winterfest
3) An update if any from my email to the City about the Amherst St. bridge

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The next Greenfield St. Club Meeting is scheduled for:
Wednesday, November 12 @ 7 PM

10/20/2008 Greenfield St. Meeting

The following is a brief outline of what was discussed at the meeting.

Thank you to everyone who came and brought ideas to the meeting for the "revived" Greenfield St. Club!

1) Kathy Peterson from the Parkside Community Assn. (PCA) was at the meeting.
2) PCA crime alert -
3) Winter Festival / Chili -
4) Phone Tree -
5) Issues on the Street -

a) Speed on the street seems to be an issue. Possibly adding a speed limit sign on the street and no left turn onto Greenfield from 7AM - 9AM?
b) Missing street sign at Russell @ Greenfield.
c) Bridge guardrail on Amherst St. needs to be repaired.

d) The City of Buffalo complaint line is 851-4890. 311 Complaint Website: --