
Friday, December 12, 2008

PCA Crime Alert!


A Crescent Avenue neighbor, between Robie and Florence, reports that on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning his car was broken into. His car was parked on the street, doors locked. Nothing was taken.

Please do not leave valuables in your car.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Amherst Street guardrail update

Here is an update from the City of Buffalo on the guardrail that crosses the belt line on Amherst Street, one block from Greenfield Street.


The bridge on Amherst that crosses the belt line has a damaged guardrail. please replace

Date Raised11/24/2008 10:30
Raised against 0 AMHERST ST, Buffalo, NY, 14207
Service Request Progress
The list below shows the current list of tasks for this service request:
Task Name Due Date Status
Resolve Bridge Issue12/08/2008 10:30Complete
Inspect Bridge Issue11/26/2008 10:30Complete
Resolve Case 12/10/2008 Case Resolved
-Description: Meeting contractor to repair too large for in house forces

City of Buffalo - Division of Citizen Services.