An excerpt from her website indicates that her first paid gig was at the Greenfield Street Restaurant.
"...the first paid gig I ever did was at the Eighth Step Coffeehouse in Albany, NY, but in fact perusal of the records shows that it was at Buffalo's Greenfield Street Restaurant, March 25, 1975."If anyone knows the exact address of the original restaurant, please email me. I would like to get some more information about this.
Here is more information from Kathy Peterson - PCA Executive Director:
I believe the Greenfield Street restaurant was 25 Greenfield St. It is the building on your left as you head towards Main Street that is a brick building with the downstairs large windows covered with painted wood. I use to frequent the cafe and often feel that if was here today their business would be booming. It was really the first veggie restaurant. This was in the mid 70's when there was alot of people who wanted to change the world! We see this more now with the move for urban gardens and green building. This is also when the food coops became popular.
It would have been similar to the Moosewood Restaurant still operating in Ithaca New York.
Thank you Kathy!