Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Parkside Crime Alert
Friday, September 25, 2009
Parkside Crime Alerts and Updates
We've received two reports of thwarted burglary attempts:
FYI, my tenant called #911 on Saturday evening, 9/12/09 to report 3 male
trespassers around 11pm in our next door neighbor’s yard in the 1st
block of Colvin between Amherst Street & Tillinghast Place. They jumped
the fence & ran down Tillinghast before the police arrived. The police
did check out the area, but the men were not located. I was upset about
the intruders but pleased that my tenant was alert & took proper
action. We need be vigilant for our safety!
And this from a Greenfield resident - Somebody tried to pull the handle
off the screen door in the back of the house, probably to gain
entrance, between 11:30 am to 1:30 pm today. [Thursday] This is
surprising since we have a very protective german shepherd, and equally
protective male boxer.
Main Street Construction - The work is nearing completion with final
surfacing work taking place during the week of October 5. This will
entail the entire Phase II area (from Hertel to Humboldt).
Intersections will be affected and the contractor will be posting NO
PARKING signs along Main as they work through the various sections.
They appreciate the cooperation they have had through all of the
construction. I'll remind you again that they've accomplished what had
been planned to be a two year project in one year. The end is in
Urban Legends - In the last mailing I included what I believed to be
valid notices about cell phone registry and automatic car locks.
Although they contained a "Snopes Approved" message, apparently they
were not. I have learned that to be sure of the validity of forwards
you receive you can go to http://snopes.com and type in some
significant phrase from the message. According to this site, it is
unnecessary to register cell phones and the chance of someone "breaking
the code" of your security system is highly unlikely. My apologies
for sending on something I hadn't cleared.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Parkside Crime Alert
We have received four reports of cars being broken into in the last week. In one case, the car was unlocked and the theives went through everything, but didn't end up taking anything, not even change. In another case, there was no evidence of forced entry. They took an i-pod, but left change and a passport. The owner is not sure his car was locked. Both of these incidents happened sometime during the night of Sept. 20 and happened on Crescent between Robie and W. Oakwood.There was also an incident on Woodward in which theives went through the back window of the car and stole a back pack during the night.Make sure your car is locked and report any suspicious activity to the police.
How to Lock Your Car and Why
I locked my car. As I walked away I heard my car door unlock. I went back and locked my car again three times. Each time, as soon as I started to walk away, I would hear it unlock again!! Naturally, alarmed, I looked around and there were two guys sitting in a car in the fire lane next to the store. They were obviously watching me intently, and there was no doubt they were somehow involved in this very weird situation. I quickly chucked the errand I was on, jumped in my car and sped away. I went straight t o the police station, told them what had happened, and found out I was part of a new, and very successful,scheme being used to gain entry into cars. Two weeks later, my friend's son had a similar happening.... While traveling, my friend's son stopped at a roadside rest to use the bathroom. When he came out to his car less than 4-5 minutes later, someone had gotten into his car and stolen his cell phone, laptop computer, GPS navigator, briefcase.....you name it. He called the police and since there were no signs of his car being broken into, the police told him he had been a victim of the latest robbery tactic -- there is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your key-chain locking device..They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim. They know you are going inside of the store, restaurant,or bathroom and that they now have a few minutes to steal and run. The police officer said to manually lock your car door-by hitting the lock button inside the car -- that way if there is someone sitting in a parking lot watching for their next victim, it will not be you.
REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public next month.
REMINDER.... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing
companies and you will start to receive sales calls.
Even if the message is saved on your phone, you will be charged for the
minutes to listen to it.
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
888-382-1222 .
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your
time. It blocks your number for five (5) years.
You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked.
You cannot call from a different phone number.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Parkside Crime Alert
1. There was a car break in on Robie (between Woodward & Parkside) last week. Nothing seemed to have been taken. I
am told that burglars sometimes take the car registration.
2. There was a garage break in on July 31 (through rear window). They apparently were in the process of stealing a chain saw but for some reason did not succeed--perhaps a neighbor came home or scared them off??
3. A home burglary took place on Florence between Main and Crescent recently. Apparently it was a daytime break in and
a flat screen TV + other things were taken.
The message is: BE VIGILANT. IF YOU SEE OR HEAR ANYTHING THAT SEEMS SUSPICIOUS, CALL 911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try to get as good a description of individuals/vehicles as possible before calling.
We've also received a number of complaints about uncut yards, debris, rat citings, suspected drug activity. Besides reporting these things to the PCA office, I urge you too call #311 or go on line to the Mayor's Complaint Line where you can report all of these things anonymously, if you wish. (On line: go to the City of Buffalo homepage, then to city departments, then to citizen services.) For suspected drug activity,please call the tip line to make an anonymous complaint - 847-2255. The Rodent Control number is 602-2977. If you see a street light that is out, you can also report it on the Mayor's Complaint line -- please have the street pole # or the house address.
Monday, July 27, 2009
People's Park Free Concert!
AUGUST 1ST, 2009
1 – 7 P.M.
DJ DAVID ALLEN 716-238-2381
VANESSA CURRIE 716-348-8586
Friday, May 15, 2009
Are you recycling?
Are you currently recycling?
If you are not, I'm sure there is a good reason.
Do you need help figuring out...
- What to recycle
- Where to get a blue recycling bin, or
- When to put your recycling bin out?
If you need assistance, please visit:
I also have the website link on the right tool bar.
Please be as earth conscience as possible,
please recycle!
Thursday, May 14, 2009

When: Saturday, June 6th 2009
Where: 1611 Amherst St.
(Neil and Jenna’s Front Yard -
on Greenfield St. at the corner of Amherst St.)
Time: 4PM - ??
Phone: 430-3373
Please bring your own main dish
(to cook on the grill) and drink.
Bring a side dish -
salad, baked beans, dessert, etc…
(surprise us) to share.
Children are invited to attend!
Please come out to meet the neighbors!
Please bring your own chairs.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Greenfield Street Restaurant & Wendy Grossman
An excerpt from her website indicates that her first paid gig was at the Greenfield Street Restaurant.
"...the first paid gig I ever did was at the Eighth Step Coffeehouse in Albany, NY, but in fact perusal of the records shows that it was at Buffalo's Greenfield Street Restaurant, March 25, 1975."If anyone knows the exact address of the original restaurant, please email me. I would like to get some more information about this.
Here is more information from Kathy Peterson - PCA Executive Director:
I believe the Greenfield Street restaurant was 25 Greenfield St. It is the building on your left as you head towards Main Street that is a brick building with the downstairs large windows covered with painted wood. I use to frequent the cafe and often feel that if was here today their business would be booming. It was really the first veggie restaurant. This was in the mid 70's when there was alot of people who wanted to change the world! We see this more now with the move for urban gardens and green building. This is also when the food coops became popular.
It would have been similar to the Moosewood Restaurant still operating in Ithaca New York.
Thank you Kathy!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
List of fixed items on the street...
1. New street signs at Amherst Street, Russell Avenue, and Main Street.
2. Pothole repair.
3. Replaced street light on pole.
4. Guide rail repair and graffiti clean up on Amherst Street bridge.
We want to setup a Spring Social/Meeting soon; time, date and location to be announced. Please keep checking the website or watch of a flyer at your home for details.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Picture of the new guide rail

Here is a picture of the the new guide rail on the Amherst St. bridge that was repaired on Monday, May 4. Great job. This is proof that calling the 311 Call and Resolution center and your council person works. Also, a special thank you to The Buffalo News "Fix It" writer and to our neighbors on Greenfield St.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Some good news, some bad.

The guide rail has finally been fixed today on the Amherst Street bridge. Before I went to work this morning the guide rail delivery came and was promptly installed. Great job!
Now for the bad news...
I also noticed new graffiti on the Amherst Street bridge. In fact, this tag has been showing up all over the city. I have a call into Mike LoCurto's office already and I will submit this issue to the Anti-Graffiti and Clean City Program. This is a picture of the tag. If you see this or any other tags, please report it immediately to your councilperson and to the:
Anti-Graffiti and Clean City Programs
Phone - (716) 851-4348
Address - 218 City Hall, Buffalo, New York 14202
Sunday, May 3, 2009
School Board Elections are Tuesday...
A list of the candidates from the website:
Bryon McIntyre | 04/09/2009 |
Rebekah A. Williams | 04/07/2009 |
Patricia E. Devis | 04/07/2009 |
Christopher L. Jacobs | 04/07/2009 |
Florence D. Johnson | 04/07/2009 |
Rosalind J. Hampton | 04/07/2009 |
Catherine Collins | 04/07/2009 |
John B. Licata | 04/07/2009 |
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Swine Flu Information
The Center for Disease Control
The Weather Channel
World Health Organization
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A reminder to lock your car doors....
We live on the Robie block between Parkside and Woodward. A thief rummaged through one of our cars last night and stole a small bronze figurine from the center console. This took place around 9:00pm in the driveway behind our house. The car was unlocked, and I believe the thief was scared off when our dog noticed the commotion. Our CDs and loose change were not taken.
I just wanted to let you know to remind everyone to lock their doors. Clearly an opportunity criminal.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
PCA Crime Alert
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Parkside Community Association's 12th Annual Garden Tour
Contact: Kathleen Peterson
Address: 2318 Main Street
Phone: 838-1240
Email: pca2318main@verizon.net
The Parkside Community Association is sponsoring its 12th Annual Garden Tour on Sunday, June 28th, from 10 AM to 4 PM. The self guided tour is the perfect time to show off the gardens, tree lined streets, and beautiful outdoor living spaces of the historic Parkside neighborhood. It’s a great opportunity to see outdoor city living at its best.
The Garden Tour starts in the heart of Parkside, at the Church of the Good Shepherd, on the corner of Jewett Parkway and Summit Avenue, right across from Frank Lloyd Wright=s Darwin Martin House complex. Information and maps will be available the day of the tour. Over 80 gardens will be displayed, from modest rock gardens to meticulous front-to-back landscaping. A $5 donation to the PCA is encouraged and appreciated.
Parkside is a Frederick Law Olmsted designed neighborhood and is adjacent to the Buffalo Zoo and Delaware Park. The well maintained turn-of-the-century Victorian and Arts and Crafts homes provide a picturesque accent while enjoying the Garden Tour. Parkside is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
For more information, log on and visit www.parksidebuffalo.org.
We are also looking for gardens to be on the tour. Here is the information sheet that gardeners should fill out. Information Sheet Document Link.
(You will need to sign up for the Google account to view this document. 1) Click on the link. 2) Click on the Get One Now Link under the "Don't have a Google Account? 3) Fill out the form 4) You will then have a google account!)
Parkside Community Association's 11th Annual Tour of Homes
Contact: Kathleen Peterson
Address: 2318 Main Street
Phone: 716-838-1240
Email: PCA2318Main@verizon.net
The Parkside Community Association presents the 11th Annual Tour of Homes on Sunday, May 17th from 11:30 am – 4:30 pm. This popular tour will have TEN outstanding homes for you to explore. Visitors are promised a fascinating look inside historical residences in Buffalo’s beautiful Historic District of Parkside. Some of the homes reflect their 19th century origin in architectural style with their interiors and furnishings. Others offer an exciting contemporary approach to city living. Onsite docents will provide history of the homes and will be available for questions.
Come see for yourself why Parksiders and out-of-towners alike say this event “is the best tour”. The tour begins at the Church of the Good Shepherd, on the corner of Jewett Parkway and Summit Avenue in Buffalo. Information, tickets, and maps will be available at the start of the tour. A mini tour of the Darwin Martin House Complex is included in the ticket price. This includes the Gardener’s Cottage, Barton House, Carriage House, and the new Pavilion. Tickets are $13 in advance, $15 the day of the tour, and $11 for PCA members. Advance tickets can be obtained by visiting the PCA office, 2318 Main Street in Buffalo or by calling the office at 838-1240 during regular business hours. Proceeds benefit the continuing work of the Parkside Community Association. No children under the age of twelve please. Event is held rain or shine.
The Parkside Community Association is Buffalo’s oldest, largest and most active neighborhood associations in the City of Buffalo. The Parkside area contains superb examples of such diverse architectural styles such as the American Four Square, Victorian, Colonial Revival, Craftsman, and the Arts & Crafts bungalow. The 1880 thru 1930 building period includes designs by prominent local architects E.B. Green and William Sydney Wicks.
Parkside is adjacent to Frederick Law Olmsted’s Delaware Park, The Buffalo Zoo, and the Main-Amherst business district.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
PCA Crime Alert
One of the tenants on Fairfield, next door (I think it's 34 Fairfield), told a neighbor that a prowler was spotted under another tenant's girlfriend's car (parked in the driveway), and that a man fitting the same description was seen in the backyard by a teenaged resident on another occasion. The man is a light-skinned African American weighing about 220lbs and about 6ft tall. The tenant said that she did not have an age range for the individual. Needless to say, please be cautious when going out to your cars.
New North Buffalo Library Website!
Monday, April 13, 2009
City-Data.com - Parkside data
174 Greenfield St. is for sale
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Recycling Challenge UPDATE!
As far as the recycling goes, the participation rate was great last night. As you know, we did a "pre-contest" count for the last 2 weeks to see how many recycling bins were out. Last night there were 18 more recycling bins out than in the trial period! (about 45 bins. However, there's still room for improvement - there's over 100 houses in the contest area!) That is great, we just have to make sure to keep the pressure on for people to put their bins out next week.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Ready, Set, Go.... RECYCLE!

Please be sure to get out your recycling this week ( Week of April 6) and next week (Week of April 12). If you could get your bins out before 8 PM on Wednesday, Mike LoCurto's office staff will be counting the number of recycling bins on Greenfield St. and Elam Pl. for the recycling challenge. You should have received a flyer over the course of the last two weeks with the details. The winning street will get a pizza party since we are competing against a street in Blackrock and Riverside.
If you have any questions you can email me at halljd39@gmail.com or you can call Mike LoCurto's office at 716-851-5155
Thursday, April 2, 2009
City of Buffalo Anti-Graffiti and Clean City Programs
Monday, March 30, 2009
Lost Kitty Update
Friday, March 27, 2009
Lost Kitty
One of our neighbors has lost her cat.
I received this message from the Parkside Community Association:
She is an orange Tabby, with a broken tail. Very sweet. She was last seen at 3pm yesterday at her home on Summit, and she is not an outdoor cat.
The picture of the orange tabby above is not the cat, it is just a representation of what an orange tabby would look like.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Free Income Prep!
You can make an appointment by dialing 1-888-696-9211. Walk-ins are welcome.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Mayor promises more patrols in area of much-robbed upscale laundry
An upscale coin laundry on Main Street that was robbed three times last year was hit again this week by a gunman who frightened workers and customers before escaping empty-handed.
The attempted robbery at Matt’s Lake Effect Laundry at 2311 Main St. occurred two days before the robbery of the Wilson Farms on Parkside Avenue near Delaware Park in the gateway neighborhood blocks away.
In response, owner Matt O’Connor said he has received assurances from Mayor Byron W. Brown that the police will boost their presence in the area around the store.
“They are taking this seriously,” said O’Connor, who opened the laundry featuring fireplaces, Web access and a cafe in 2005.
Buffalo police also say they will consider installing a surveillance video camera on that section of Main Street.
While urging O’Connor to consider hiring a security guard at night, the head of the neighborhood association, said news of the crimes is troubling.
“I don’t know if beefing up the patrols would help. I don’t know what the answer is to it,” said Kathleen Peterson, Parkside Community Association executive director. “I think it’s a crime of opportunity.”
O’Connor invested $1.2 million in his luxury coin laundry, which opened to fanfare four years ago.
The laundry has Italian ceramic tile floors, upholstered furniture, gas fireplace, 12 television sets, and coffee and Internet cafes.
The trouble started when the laundry was robbed at gunpoint Feb. 5 and Feb. 14, 2008, and again at knifepoint April 2.
Dayquain Trent, 16 at the time, was charged with all three robberies, and he is believed to remain in custody.
In the recent robbery attempt, which occurred at 7:50 p. m. Monday, a would-be robber armed with a rifle entered and demanded money.
He left without any cash but shook up the staff and 13 customers in the business at the time.
One employee working Monday night had been threatened at gunpoint in one of the earlier robberies. He quit his job after the latest incident.
Brown reached out to O’Connor after the three 2008 robberies, and O’Connor said he talked to Brown again Friday afternoon.
The mayor told O’Connor that police would conduct more patrols and make a point of getting out of their vehicles. Brown spokesman Peter Culter did not return two phone messages Friday seeking comment.
O’Connor said he was pleased the mayor is taking such an interest in the situation. He noted its value as a gateway business district and the educational and cultural institutions there.
“You’re not going to make people feel comfortable, unless they see a presence,” O’Connor said.
O’Connor also would like to see the city install a blue-light surveillance camera nearby.
Michael J. DeGeorge, Buffalo Police spokesman, said police will consider this, if it’s deemed necessary based on criminal activity there.
Peterson, the neighborhood group official, said she feels the incidents at the laundry and Wednesday at the Parkside Wilson Farms store, were crimes of opportunity more than indications of a wider problem.
Source: http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/story/592841.html
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wilson Farms customer robs store on Parkside
A robber purchased candy from the Wilson Farms at 281 Parkside Ave. early Wednesday before robbing the store, Buffalo police said.
The bandit bought candy before forcing a clerk to surrender cash from the register at about 6:45 a. m., police said. Although the bandit said he had a gun, he didn’t display one, police said.
The robber was described as white, 5-foot-9, thin, clean-shaven with a pale complexion, dark hair and an earring and wearing a dark blue Buffalo Sabres hooded sweat shirt with a tan and blue Starter jacket and jeans. He fled south on Parkside Avenue toward Jewett Parkway.
Police said a package of cupcakes touched by the suspect is being examined for evidence. Anyone with information is asked to contact Northwest District police at 851-4413.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Parkside Crime Alert!
They took many items on the first floor including a paycheck, kids money from their back pack, television, etc... The police are investigating. Then on Thursday there was a break in attempt at the house next door at the same time, though the resident was woke by the movement of the window shades and scared the intruder away before he entered.
In both cases the burglars used a rear unlocked window and cut the screen as the entry points in the early am hours.
It is important for everyone to secure their windows, even on the second floor, and doors, perhaps keeping an outside light on. The first burglary was from the first floor, the second attempt was from the second floor.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Parksider Blog

Bob is a fellow board member of the Parkside Community Association.
Monday, February 2, 2009
PCA Crime Alert
Friday, January 30, 2009
PCA Crime Alert
FYI- After I looked at the Buffalo Rocket's blotter today this would be the third burglary since last Friday. On 1/23 it is reported that a house on Greenfield, in the first block, was ransacked and on 1/26 a house in the 100 block of Crescent was burglarized (although this one says that there was no forced entry. On 1/27 a car in the 200 block of Crescent was broken into.
Also a message from a resident in Parkside:
I found out earlier today that a home on Summit Ave., where two Sisters of
St. Joseph live, was burglarized sometime today. Entrance was made through
a basement window and the house was ransacked. Several items were taken as
well as a set of keys.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Missing Dog Update...
Our dog spent the night with a young man who picked her up on Florence and
Parkside. Later that evening a friend's mother indicated someone was
looking for a missing dog and gave him our number. We picked Bella up
today at 2. Thanks for everyone's help.
New baby giraffe
Source: http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/563735.html
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Greenfield Street Chili Fest
Please bring whatever you would like to drink. If you would like to share some of your favorite beverage, please bring some extra.
This is a family event. Your children are welcome to come! There will be activities for the kids.
Bring your favorite chili or any dish to pass. Some suggestions include, but are not limited to, cornbread or any type of dessert. The place settings will be provided.
If you have any questions, please contact Jack at 832-3110 or Josh at 430-3373.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Souper Bowl
Pass onto all that you know! Let’s help out the Food Bank of WNY!!
Campbell's Chunky Soup is offering 18,000 cans of free soup to the NFL city that gets the most on-line votes. Buffalo has progressed to the final play-off against Green Bay but we are trailing 110,000 to 100,000. Please go to www.chunky.com to cast your vote. Encourage your friends and family to vote too. This could really help the food bank in Buffalo.
You can cast one vote per day. Thanks!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hertel Has It!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Congratulation to Barack
Monday, January 19, 2009
Happy Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

For more information on Martin Luther King.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
A Personal Safety Message from the Chief of A-District Police
Here is a post from Michael Kearns' website, mickeykearns.com. Michael is the South District councilmember. There are a lot of very helpful safety tips listed here from the A-District Chief Brian Strobele, written on Monday, December 22, 2008.
Have a peephole installed in outer doors.Do not open your door to strangers...
Do NOT use a chain lock ..this a privacy device...it is not designed to prevent a forced entry...
Keep doors and windows locked at all times.Even when taking out the trash,in the yard gardening,etc...
Blinds or curtains should be closed at night to prevent criminals from window shopping...
DO NOT leave notes on the door when going out....
If after returning home you notice a broken window or an open door,go to your neighbors house and call the police immediately...DO NOT enter the premises...
Have your keys in your hand when returning home.This reduces the amount of time you are susceptible to attack.
DO NOT leave keys in potted plants,under the doormat,in the mailbox etc
Have locks changed upon moving into a new house or apartment or if your keys are lost or stolen.....
Leave lights on when you go out at night,use a timer when you are away for long periods of time.
Lighting should be used to maintain visibility around your house or building.Light fixtures should be high enough so bulbs may not be unscrewed.
Entry and exit from buildings should be thru doors that are highly visible by neighbors.
Leave a light on if you plan on returning after dark,light timer devices are invaluable.
Mailbox should only list the first initial and your last name.
Never give personal information over the phone when some calls you.Be wary of telephone surveys,they may not be legitimate.
Unlisted numbers are advisable especially for single women.
Never admit that you are alone to anyone on the phone.
Do NOT permit strangers to enter your home to use the phone,get a drink of water, or sell you something,call the POLICE...no mater how friendly they seem.Both Male and Female criminals use many methods to get you to invite them into your home.If someone wishes to use the phone ...offer to make the call for them...
Repairmen or Utility meter readers should not be allowed to enter until after furnishing ID or verifying their presence by calling the utility company they represent.
Be cautious of aquaintances visiting with strangers...especially if they show up unannounced.
DO NOT allow strangers to walk around your house unaccompanied.
Vary your time table when leaving to or coming home from work.
Vary your routes when going out.
DO NOT loiter around a laundry facility if you live in an apartment building.Time each cycle of the washer or dryer so you spend as little time as possible in this vulnerable area.
If an intruder enters ,if possible,leave the house or apartment immediately and seek assistance from a neighbor.Have someone call the POLICE immediately.If the intruder thinks you are aslepp play possum.Avoid a confrontation with the Burglar....also have a cell phone on the night stand or dresser so you have a phone to call 911.
Plan the route ahead of time.Avoid traveling unlit,overgrown,or unpopulated areas,parks at night,alleys etc.
Travel with a friend to minimize risk.There is strength in numbers.
Unrestrictive clothing should be worn in case fleeing or fighting is necessitated.No clogs platform shoes,too tight pants,scarves or necklaces...
DO NOT carry packages unnecessarily as they may be the object of criminals desire or restrict the ability to react.
Tell someone your destination,route and time of arrival in case you do encounter a problem.
A whistle or personnal alarm should be carried.
Walk with confidence.Be alert to your surroundings.The criminal may think you know something he or she does not.
DO NOT daydream,pay attention to what may be going on around you.
Check behind you periodically in case you are being followed.
Walk in the center of the sidewalk to avoid dark doorways,shrubbery or parked cars.
Adjust your pace so you are walking in close proximity to thers on the street.Their presence can be a form of security.
Walk facing traffic in case a car stops.This would force an assailant to drive backwards to chase you.
Public transportation timing will limit the amount of time you must wait at the stop.
Stand with your back to a wall or pole when witing for public transportation.
Sit near the driver or other people when using Public Transportation.
DO NOT NAP when using public transportation.Stay Alert
Have keys ready when returning home or to your car.
Cary a flashlight at nite to illuminate dark areas,or to temporarily blind an attacker or in use for self defense.
DO NOT CARRY A PURSE....keep valuables in your pocket.If you must use a purse keep your keys seperate(in your pocket),do not use an address tag on your keys,DO NOT carry irreplaceable items,keep a list at home of all credit card numbers.Carry your purse in front of you at all times.
Cross the street---criss cross if necessary.
Act Suspicious by looking over your shoulder.An attackers main advantage is surprise.
Vary your pace...DO NOT be afraid to run.
Change direction
Enter a store or buisness either call the police or ask that someone else call.
Go To a Private home that looks lived in and occupied and ring bell repeatedly.Ask that someone call the POLICE.
DO NOT go home,if near your home go to a neighbor that is home.
Turn around and walk in the opposite direction the car is traveling.
GO the wrong way on a one way street....
Act Suspicious
Get the license plate number and call the POLICE
Enter a store or buisness.
Go to a private home that looks lived in and occupied and ring the doorbell.
Yell "FIRE"...you get better results than yelling for help.
DO NOT resist,you may get hurt.
Faint...by playing possum,the assailant will have a hard tiem moving you to a better location for them without attracting attention.
Sit Down...feign illness if necessary.
Observe the assailant so you can identify the individual later.
Report the incident to POLICE as soon as posible...you may get your belongings back and keep someone else from becoming the victim of your assault.You may give the Police the one piece of information that will solve a string of similar crimes.
Plan your Route
Travel with friends
Maintain your vehicle properly.
Tell someone your destination,route and estimated tiem of arrival.
Carry a flashlight.
Have someone escort you or watch you enter your car.
Have your keys ready.
Be Observant when approaching or entering your car.Look for someone hiding near your or other cars.
Check inside your vehicle before entering.Some one maybe hiding inside.
Lock your doors immediately after entering your car.
Keep windows closed enough to prevent entry when driving in stop and go traffic or asking directions.
Do Not open door or window for strangers that may ask for directions or approach your vehicle.
NEVER pick up a hitchhicker.
If your car breaks down...raise the hood and lock yourself inside the car until someone stops.Stay in your car,with the window up far enough to prevent someone from reaching in and unlocking the door and ask them to call for assistance.
DO NOT stop to aid a stranger in a stalled vehicle...report the location to Police.
Be observant before parking ...check the area for suspicious people before leaving your car at your destination.
Have lights turned on in driveways or garages before arriving.
Avoid dark parking lots.
Be Cautious of parking ramps.
Be Cautious of vans when parking in a lot.Someone may be waiting inside.
Always lock your doors when leaving your vehicle.
Take your flashlight if returning after dark
Be sure any valuables are locked in the trunk before reaching your destination.
DO NOT overburden yourself with packages.
Hold down the horn and drive away if someone tries to enter your car.
Try not to park where you are required to leave your keys.
Make sure the path from the garage to the house is well lit.
Act suspicious.
Get the license number.
Drive to the Police station,firhouse or hospital.
Get the attention of a POLICE CAR.
DO NOT GO HOME,the person following you will then know where you live.
DO NOT pull into a driveway ...you met get blocked in.
Pull over to the side of the road,wait for the person to exit their car and then drive away.
BE Observant when entering a building.Be aware of locations where someone may hide,under stairways,basements,dark corridors and avoid them if possible.
Avoid secluded or seldom used stairways.
ELEVATORS---Whenever possible stand by the control panel.If alone on an elevator and someone who makes you uneasy gets in,listen to your instincts,get off the elevator.If you are about to get on an elevator and someone makes you feel uneasy DO NOT GET IN.If you encounter a problem while riding in an elevator run your hands down the control panel,the door should open on the next available floor.Also,NEVER pull the emergency ..this will stop the elevator.
Never work late alone.
If you do...have an escort to your car.
Yell "FIRE"
Activate a fire alarm.
Pound on doors of offices or aprtments that look occupied.
Avoid being forced into an office or room,if in a main area or walkway your chances of getting help are greater.
If in an elevator try hitting as many buttons as possible to get help.
Have a great Holiday everyone,
Chief Brian Strobele
Monday 22 December 2008
Thursday, January 8, 2009

click here or you can click on the picture above.
Buffalo Public School #54 Update
Here is an update on reconstructions plans for BPS #54 on Main Street.
January 5, 2009
Dear Neighbor:
As a component of the Buffalo Public Schools’ Phase IV Reconstruction Plans, the Dr. George E. Blackman Early Childhood Center #54 (located at 2358 Main Street) will undergo reconstruction.
Principal Elisabeth Martina would like to invite you to an informational meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 to discuss the schematic proposals of the reconstruction of the E.C.C. #54.
The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m., lasting approximately 1 ½ hours, and will be held in the school auditorium. Representatives from the Buffalo Public Schools’ Plant Division, Zaxis Architectural, P.C., and LPCiminelli will be present to acquaint you with the design plans and be available to address any questions which you may have.
We hope to see you there, as your input is important to us.
Best regards,
Deborah Dennis Young
Deborah Dennis Young
Project Manager
January 7 Meeting Notes
Here is an outline of what we discussed at the Greenfield Street Club Meeting on Wednesday, January 7. 2009:
- Discussion of parking on Greenfield, which is “spread out” in a way that makes poor use of the number of spaces available.
- The street signs have been erected.
- Complaints about noise from #174 continue.
- Greenfield St. Club T-shirts.
- Discussion of block grant.
- Dead and diseased trees
- THE CHILI FEST! on Jan. 30, 2009 from 2-6PM.
- New graffiti has appearing on the bridge at Amherst. It has been reported to CSX, which owns the track. They are unresponsive but the city is supportive.
Suggestions for future:
- Monday night gathering for jazz at CPG
- Game night