
Friday, September 25, 2009

Parkside Crime Alerts and Updates


We've received two reports of thwarted burglary attempts:
FYI, my tenant called #911 on Saturday evening, 9/12/09 to report 3 male
trespassers around 11pm in our next door neighbor’s yard in the 1st
block of Colvin between Amherst Street & Tillinghast Place. They jumped
the fence & ran down Tillinghast before the police arrived. The police
did check out the area, but the men were not located. I was upset about
the intruders but pleased that my tenant was alert & took proper
action. We need be vigilant for our safety!

And this from a Greenfield resident - Somebody tried to pull the handle
off the screen door in the back of the house, probably to gain
entrance, between 11:30 am to 1:30 pm today. [Thursday] This is
surprising since we have a very protective german shepherd, and equally
protective male boxer.

Main Street Construction - The work is nearing completion with final
surfacing work taking place during the week of October 5. This will
entail the entire Phase II area (from Hertel to Humboldt).
Intersections will be affected and the contractor will be posting NO
PARKING signs along Main as they work through the various sections.
They appreciate the cooperation they have had through all of the
construction. I'll remind you again that they've accomplished what had
been planned to be a two year project in one year. The end is in

Urban Legends - In the last mailing I included what I believed to be
valid notices about cell phone registry and automatic car locks.
Although they contained a "Snopes Approved" message, apparently they
were not. I have learned that to be sure of the validity of forwards
you receive you can go to and type in some
significant phrase from the message. According to this site, it is
unnecessary to register cell phones and the chance of someone "breaking
the code" of your security system is highly unlikely. My apologies
for sending on something I hadn't cleared.

1 comment:

  1. Auto burglars usually just walk car to car and if the doors are unlocked they rummage through the car.If the cars are locked they look in the windows and if they see things that are worth stealing they break in.The alarm systems installed in it will help to catch the burglars.


Thank you for your ideas and comments!